Odiham Parish Council conducts its business through an agreed committee structure which is widely accepted in the sector to allow sufficient time for debate at each meeting and focusses time, skills and experience in relevant areas. The full Council has the power to make all Council decisions in accordance with the Council’s adopted Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and delegates some of its business to committees which operate in accordance with adopted Terms of Reference.
Odiham Parish Council currently follows the agreed committee structure below which was agreed by Council May 2024.
Each meeting agenda pack is published under the meetings, agendas and minutes pages at least 3 clear days before the meeting date. Copies of the covering agenda pages are also published in the High Street noticeboard opposite the Co-op and in North Warnborough noticeboard opposite North Warnborough Village Hall.
All Council meetings are open to residents to attend unless otherwise stated on the agenda. Council meetings are normally held in The Library Room in The Bridewell, The Bury.
In addition to full Council and committees, working groups are regularly set up for specific projects or partnerships. These are generally task & finish groups which sometimes include community or outside body representatives and do not have decision making powers. The meetings are not open to members of the public, however, reports or decisions from the meetings are usually reported at a full Council or committee meeting.
Committee Membership 2024-25 (updated at the Annual Council meeting 20.05.24)
Amenity Areas Committee: Cllr Sanger (Chair), Cllr Bell, Cllr McFarlane (Vice Chair), Cllr Seabrook, Cllr Tate and Cllr Verdon.
Community Committee: Cllr McFarlane (Chair), Cllr Bell, Cllr Greensides, Cllr Sanger, Cllr Seabrook and Cllr Woods (Vice Chair).
Planning & Development Committee: Cllr Verdon (Chair), Cllr Bell, Cllr Cornall (Vice Chair), Cllr Seabrook, Cllr Tate, Cllr Woods.
Staffing Committee: Cllr McFarlane (Chair), Cllr Sanger, Cllr Seabrook, Cllr Verdon (Vice Chair).
Finance Committee: Cllr Tyler (Chair), Cllr Cornall, Cllr C Greensides (Vice Chair), Cllr McFarlane, Cllr Verdon.
Current Working Groups
Armed Forces Day Working Party ToRs – April 2019
Climate Change Working Group ToRs – November 2021
Community Award Sub-Committee ToRs – April 2024
Conservation Volunteers Working Group ToR – October 2022
Health and safety WG TOR June 2024
Neighbourhood Plan Review Group ToRs – June 2023
Strategy Working Group ToR – July 2019
The Bridewell Working Group ToR – December 2023
Tree Warden ToRs – December 2023
War Memorial WG TOR June 2024