England’s planning system shapes new development and the use of land all over the country with the aim of achieving outcomes that are positive for people, the economy and the environment. The system exists to ensure that the development and use of land is in the public interest, weighing up its economic, environmental and social benefits and drawbacks. It plays a key role in helping to make the places where we live and work attractive, vibrant and well designed.
The planning system can help secure development that supports regeneration and that meets the needs of local communities. It can support the provision of affordable housing and other necessary development. It can make sure that new building in historic areas takes into account the surroundings and enhances their character. And it can prevent development where it would cause unacceptable environmental damage.
Odiham Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications within the Parish and has an important role to play in the English planning system below by commenting and influencing Hart District Council ‘Development Management’ as the planning authority.
Odiham Parish Council delegates planning matters to the Planning & Development Committee. Further information, including local planning applications and decisions made by the Committee, can be viewed on the Planning & Development Committee page.