The Odiham and North Warnborough Neighbourhood Plan was made following a public referendum on Thursday 4 May 2017. It contains both Planning Policies and Aims and Proposals which will be delivered and implemented by the respective Planning Authority or the Parish Council in partnership with a variety of different stakeholders and public and commercial bodies. In order to scrutinise the implementation of the Neighbourhood Plan a Monitoring Group has been formed with the following terms of reference.
- Purpose – The purpose of the Monitoring Group is:
a) to ensure that the Aims and Proposals contained within the Neighbourhood Plan are being delivered by the Parish Council, working alongside a variety of partners if necessary, in a coordinated, cohesive manner and in a timely fashion; and
b) to review the application of the policies by the Planning Authority in their determination of planning applications. The Parish Council’s Planning and Development Committee will however remain responsible for the detailed review of individual planning applications and their compliance with the Plan’s policies.
2. Role and activities
a) To monitor progress on the delivery of the Neighbourhood Plan’s Aims and Proposals by each of the Council’s Committees, making recommendations to the Council in respect of the timely delivery of these Aims and Proposals as appropriate.
b) To monitor the application of the Neighbourhood Plan Policies by Odiham Parish Council and the Planning Authority in relation to planning applications.
c) To review the production of materials, both printed and electronic, used to communicate the annual review of the delivery of the Plan to residents, businesses and the wider community.
d) To assist in the production of a detailed annual report for each Annual Parish Assembly.
e) To identify any required information for submission to the Local Planning Authority (Hart DC) for inclusion in their Annual Monitoring Report.
f) To recommend any additions, amendments or updates to the Policies or Aims and Proposals for consideration in any future review of the Neighbourhood Plan.
To monitor the overall effectiveness of the Plan at the end of each council year and the likely implications and impact of the Plan for the forthcoming year.
3. Membership The Monitoring Group will consist of;
- the Chair of the planning committee
- Cllrs who wish to join the MG and are appointed by the full council
- 2 members of the public who have an understanding of the context of the NH Plan and are appointed by name by the full council.
An invitation will be sent to Hart DC.
4. Meetings The Monitoring Group will meet on a suitably frequent basis to progress matters in a timely manner. This is expected to be quarterly.