Well, suggesting that Saturday morning was akin to the Labours of Hercules may be stretching the truth somewhat, but crikey, what a task that was!
Clearing a route to prevent people being forced dangerously close to the busy A287 was thought to be a challenge, and indeed it was. But, thanks as always to the generosity of spirit, good humour and determination of the fab volunteers, there is now a clear and accessible path, that will allow pedestrians, cyclists and people with restricted mobility to safely travel – so, mission accomplished.
The call for machinery worked, as Councillor Chris Dorn from Hart DC brought down some seriously impressive petrol-powered heavy metal, putting our little battery powered strimmers to shame – huge tool envy!
Whilst out, we also took the opportunity to have a litter pick – that in itself was demanding, collecting as we did two full garden bags of rubbish. It is truly incredible that so much “stuff” is still being dumped…..
Hack and slash, chop and cut….. the task seemed endless! After two hours of double, double toil and trouble, it was a tired but proud gang of people who could look back at the fruit of their labours.
Huge thanks, as ever, to Julie, Pam, Chris, Ryan, Mike and John. Legends.