Councillors awarded over £4,500 community grants at the Council meeting earlier this week.
£750 was awarded to Hook & Odiham Lions Club towards the cost of running a prostate cancer screening project.
£750 was awarded to the Friends of Mayhill Junior School towards the cost of a new secret garden.
£300 was awarded to The Sunflower Cafe to fund a 3 month, chair-based exercise classes.
£270 was awarded to Odiham Raft Race towards the cost of running the 2023 event in September.
£1,500 donation was agreed to support the Citizens Advice Hart running costs.
£1,000 was awarded to inOdiham towards the cost of organising the Odiham Food Fayre (formerly known as Flavourfest).
Community grants are offered twice a year. The next closing date is 31st December.
Local groups which benefit young people within the age range of 14-25 can also a apply for a grant from the George Rothery Bequest. This application can be made at any time.
Further details on both grants can be found at