We have been notified that Hart District Council has accepted Odiham Parish Council’s nomination to register The Bell as an Asset of Community Value, thanks to Cllr Kathryn Ball who completed the nomination.
“Following careful consideration of the nomination to list The Bell as an Asset of Community Value, Hart District Council considers that there may well be an opportunity to further the social interests of the community within the next five years in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act Section 88 and has accordingly decided to list the property.
This will now appear on the Council’s Assets of Community Value and the owner and interested parties have been notified accordingly. The owner has the right to appeal the listing and this has to be submitted within 8 weeks of the notification to list.”
A pub is listed as a community facility in the Hart Local Plan so is covered by Policy INF5 for proposals to convert/change etc. Policy INF5 specifically refers to “Listing as an ‘Asset of Community Value’ will be considered as a material planning consideration” in line with any other material planning considerations.