As summer comes to its inevitable conclusion, we start to look forward once again. The key event in the diary for autumn is of course Remembrance Sunday.
So what, you may ask. Well, it has been noticed that the village War Memorial is unfortunately looking a bit neglected.
A small committee, consisting of a number of folk from across the Parish, has formed to consider how it can been improved.
Note that this is a WHOLE community effort, not solely an Odiham Parish Council initiative. After all, there are so many familiar names immortalised on the marble, it is our duty and honour to maintain the war memorial for future generations.
Again, so what? Well, this is the crux of this post – we are developing a longer-term strategy to maintain and repair the fabric of the memorial. This is a bit of a niche task, due to the fragility of parts of the memorial – we can’t just charge in with a high-pressure hose. So plans are afoot to identify options and costings.
What we can do is make a bit more of an effort to maintain and upkeep the memorial and its surround.
This is where you come in. We are aiming to put together a list of volunteers who would be prepared to get together once a month or so to do a bit of tidying, weeding, trimming etc.
Is this something you might be interested in? If you have any special skills – like gardening, stone masonry etc – that would be amazing. Equally though, if you’re just prepared to get on your knees to weed, you’ll be just as welcome.
If this is something that might interest you, please email the OPC Deputy Clerk on [email protected].
We are hoping to have the first session towards the end of September.